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发布时间:2015-10-19 07:43:11     作者:    责任编辑:    审核人:    浏览次数: 次

李洁   讲师



2010.9-2014.2 安特卫普大学 金融专业博士,获得欧盟全额奖学金;

2007.9-2009.12 重庆大学 金融专业硕士,获得国家全额奖学金、优秀毕业生;

2003.9-2007.6 重庆大学 金融专业本科,多次荣获校综合奖学金。 



熟练使用STATA计量软件  英文可为工作语言


1.Jie Li (2013).CEO Remuneration and Risk-taking: Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks. Antwerpen: Antwerpen University Press(ISBN: 9789089940919)

2.李洁, 严太华。我国商业银行高管薪酬与综合绩效关系的实证分析——基于沪深两市上市商业银行的数据 [J]。上海金融(CSSCI核心), 2009, 06: 76-79。


1.Jie Li,Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2013. CEO Remuneration, Risk-Shifting and Risk Compensation at U.S.Commercial Banks. Corporate Governance: An International Review(SSCI), Under Revision;

2.Jie Li, Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2014. Equity-based Compensation Incentives, CEO Optimism and Default Risk at U.S. Commercial Banks. Journal of Financial Stability (SSCI),  Under Review

3.Jie Li, Annaert Jan, Blommaert Jos and Ceuster Marc, 2013. CEO Compensation at U.S. Commercial Banks: Some Facts and Figures. Working Paper

4.Ceuster Marc, Hairui Zhang and Jie Li, 2012. Did Federal Funds Target Rate Changes Affect the Market Value of InsuranceCompanies? Working Paper.


1.2012.6 CEO Compensation and Risk-Shifting in the U.S. Banking Industry, FMA European Conference, Istanbul, Turkey

2.2013.6 CEO Remuneration, Risk Compensation and Risk-Shifting in the U.S. Banking Industry, 5th International IFABS(International Finance and Banking Society) Conference, Nottingham

3.2013.7 CEO incentives, CEO Optimism and Default Risk in the U.S. Banking Industry, World Finance Conference, Cyprus.


2008.8-2009.4 深圳创新投资集团(国内最大VC)重庆分公司 项目经理助理;

2006.7-2006.8 重庆高新区产权交易所创新服务中心 项目经理助理;

2006.8-2006.9 广西柳工机械股份有限公司 固定资产投融资项目管理培训助理;

2003.12-2004.2国泰君安证券公司重庆民族路营业部 基金销售助理。


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